The Cambridge Sports Union was started in 1962 with the goal of eventually being a multi-sport club. Initially, our activity focused on running, but cross country skiing was added in 1964, and orienteering in 1972.
The club is organized as a non-profit corporation under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and is recognized as a 501 (c)(3) organization by the IRS. It’s legal name is CSU Inc. A Not For Profit Corporation

The club is organized into semi-autonomous sections that carry out the activities in each sport: Running, Cross Country Skiing, and Orienteering (on foot and on skis), but with cooperation and resource sharing among the sections. Most of our members participate in only one sport, but some are active in two, or even three.
Although the sections publish occasional newsletters or calendars, most of our communication is done electronically. Each section has a web site and a mailing list.
The club is very active in teaching people about our three sports, the fun of competition, and the benefits of physical activity. We organize many events in the three sports, and our members participate in events organized by others; check out the section web sites for a more complete picture of each section.
Membership– CSU memberships are on a calendar year basis, they all expire on Dec 31. We do accept multi-year memberships, and it is also possible to get a life membership.
Keep in touch with your CSU community, check out CSU at these links:
Strava – Facebook – Instagram
Slack Channel (Request an Invite)